Is This Wise?

Notable Tech Used: Vue w/ Vuex, Node.js, MongoDB, oAuth

Human history has produced a plethora of advice, but how much of it is actually any good? "Is this wise?" is an attempt to crowdsource the answer to that question.

This project was an exercise in building a full stack MEVN app and aquainting myself with authentication methodologies.

The advice is pulled from the AdviceSlip API and logged in users can rate that advice as Good or Bad and review their history of ratings. User's can create an account using GitHub, Facebook, and Google oAuth. The aggregate ratings of each piece of advice are displayed on the home page.

Front-end | Back-end

Hex Color Clock

Notable Tech Used: React

This is my take on the Hex Color-Code Clock. For those unfamiliar, it takes the current time in 24 hour format and uses the values to create a Hex color code. My addition to the idea is that the user can select a different "base color" and the app will calculate the corresponding color.

The UI is rather plain but my focus was on learning React. This is actually the apps second itteration. The first time around I used this idea to learn Vue.

Prorate Cost Calculator

Notable Tech Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Calculating the prorated cost of something can be annoying; this little calculator makes it less so.

This project was a study in DOM manipulation using vanilla JavaScript. As you enter the relevant information, the total is recalculated.

Digital Ocean Management CLI

Notable Tech Used: Node.js

As an exercise in building a Node CLI using Commander and Inquirer, I built this tool to allow me to manage Firewall rules on Digital Ocean. Now whenever my ISP changes my public IP address, I can fire up this CLI and update the firewall rules without having to log into the DO web portal! (even though it is a very nice web portal)

Dog Counter

Notable Tech Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

This is a port of the dog counter app that I originally built as an Electron app. You can still check it out as an Electron app over in the original repo (below).

I recommend running through it multiple times to try and get all the endings.